Tag Archives: type 2


What Are The Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

Whether you want to find out more about your condition or to educate your family members who are uncertain about the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the aim of this article is to help you gain a greater understanding of this medical problem.

There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding diabetes. For example, lots of people believe mistakenly that as long as you avoid eating sugar, you can eat anything else that you like. There is also confusion about the differences between type 1 and type 2 – many people think that type 1 is always diagnosed in childhood while type 2 always occurs later in life, after the age of 30. Another popular misconception is that type 2 is always linked to obesity.

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Women Who Have Type 2 Diabetes Have More of A Link To Coronary Heart Disease

According to a statement made by the American Heart Association, AHA for short, women who have Type 2 Diabetes are at a much greater risk then men are for developing coronary heart disease.

People in general, who do have Type 2 Diabetes are more prone to have heart trouble, and this risk of heart disease is much of a greater risk for happening to women then it is for men. This conclusion comes from detailed research conducted on the subject. These previous research results do strongly indicate one thing. This thing is that women have a clear increased risk of cardiovascular problems than their male counterparts do.

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Type 2 Diabetes Linked To Decreased In Memory and Thinking Skills

A recently published study funded by US National Institute of Aging, The American Diabetes Association, The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center, and the US National Center for Research Resources showed that people suffering from type 2 Diabetes could develop diminished blood flow to the brain that could eventually lead to a negative impact on thinking and memory skills. The root cause seems to be the impaired blood vessels. A link between people who had higher A1C levels in the preceding months seemed to have more blood flow problems than those with lower or normal A1C levels.

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Will Children Develop Type 1 Diabetes?

Recent medical research suggests that children are more likely to develop type 1 diabetes if their mother developed in her childhood. Diabetic women should also try to ensure that their blood sugar levels are low and definitely under control before they even conceive. The risk of children developing type 1 diabetes can increase if both their parents have it, and depending on how old mothers were when they developed diabetes themselves. Risks of diabetes can increase depending on children’s ethnicity.

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