Category Archives: Advice

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Succeed at Finals whilst Controlling Your Diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in young adults. people with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin daily to live to regulate their blood sugar. Since the pancreas can no longer produce insulin, Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, but it occurs most often in children and young adults. A person with diabetes must manage this chronic illness all the time, including during the school day.

These key tips can help high school or college students on how they can succeed at final exams whilst keeping their diabetes under control.

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Helping Children with Diabetes Develop a Healthy Attitude About Eating

As parents, it’s hard not to micromanage everything our children eat. After all, wouldn’t they sit around snacking on cake all day, while never touching a single vegetable, if we didn’t?

Surprisingly, research shows that children who are offered a variety offoodson a routine schedule, in a calm environment, will naturallyeatthe appropriate quantity of food they need to grow and stay healthy. This also applies to children with diabetes.

To assist her clients, Anne Blocker, adiabeteseducatorand registered dietician, has introduced the Division of Responsibility. Created by Ellyn Satter, a feeding dynamics expert, the Division of Responsibility (sDOR) is a feeding model.

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Eating Tips for People with Diabetes

Diabetes is one of those diseases for which the risk can be affected by one’s lifestyle: Some food can speed up the recovery process for diabetics, while others may slow it down or aggravate the condition. We are all familiar with how candy and fast food can hurt us while more natural foods like fresh vegetables and fruits can help us, but there is also much else that many do not know. Here are ten eating tips for those with diabetes.

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7 Diabetes Behaviors You Need to Stop

Have you ever noticed that dealing with diabetes gets much simpler if you are feeling happy? It is just an easier thing to do when your spirits are up. It is tempting to believe that negativity and negative feelings have nothing to do with the condition or that, if they do, they can pushed to the side whenever necessary – but of course, this is not the case.

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