Tag Archives: drink


Is Tequila Good For Diabetics?

In October, we discovered that having just one glass of red wine each day with a meal could be beneficial to glucose levels in the blood, although more than one glass of wine could counteract that effect. The research has shown that consuming excess levels of red wine does not have the same benefits as having just one glass of wine per day with a meal and that excess levels of red wine could potentially have an adverse effect on glucose levels in the blood, rather than being beneficial.

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Kids and Astounding Studies on Processed Sugars

According to one of the latest studies on kids and diabetes, the long-term effects of heart disease and diabetes can be reversed with some relatively small changes in a child’s diet. Based on the information that was gathered by researchers, kids who eliminated sugar from their diets for a period of just nine days showed significant changes in lowering their cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure levels. Therefore, based on these studies, researchers are now saying that processed sugar products are major culprits in hendering the battle to keep children and adults healthy.

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