Author Archives: admin


Is Tequila Good For Diabetics?

In October, we discovered that having just one glass of red wine each day with a meal could be beneficial to glucose levels in the blood, although more than one glass of wine could counteract that effect. The research has shown that consuming excess levels of red wine does not have the same benefits as having just one glass of wine per day with a meal and that excess levels of red wine could potentially have an adverse effect on glucose levels in the blood, rather than being beneficial.

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Where To Put Your Insulin Pump

With all of the uses and features that insulin pumps offer to their users, users often have a hard time finding a place to put their pump. Without a pocket, it is difficult to determine where, and how, a person should keep their insulin pump. Many people struggle with this, and since insulin pumps are so important for the people that require them, it is important to know where they can be kept on a person. Some ideas for places to keep your insulin pump include in your bra, underwear, on clothing/accessories, in tight pieces of clothing, footwear, and taping it to your skin. Below you will find tips and tricks about each location to make storing your insulin pump a lot easier and hassle free.

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Kids and Astounding Studies on Processed Sugars

According to one of the latest studies on kids and diabetes, the long-term effects of heart disease and diabetes can be reversed with some relatively small changes in a child’s diet. Based on the information that was gathered by researchers, kids who eliminated sugar from their diets for a period of just nine days showed significant changes in lowering their cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure levels. Therefore, based on these studies, researchers are now saying that processed sugar products are major culprits in hendering the battle to keep children and adults healthy.

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Childhood Stress and its Lasting Effects

It has been determined that stress can have a negative impact on a person’s health. Stress is the leading cause for around 60% of all illnesses and diseases that humans develop. This information was provided by the American Institute of Stress.

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Does Chamomile Tea Help Diabetes?

There is an Iranian study that has found that drinking three cups of chamomile tea daily can be the very thing, which can help a person with Diabetes, to actually improve control of their blood glucose levels. This fascinating discovery is aimed towards those who suffer from Type 2 Diabetes.

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Better Health in Diabetes Through Moderate Red Wine Consumption

Everyone is by now aware of the potential dangers of consuming alcohol. But, can a glass of wine everynight at dinner lead to improved health, especially for someone with diabetes? Researchers at Ben-Gurion University say that the answer to this question is yes, but only if strict guidelines are followed while consuming that alcohol.

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How to Get Your Low Carb Diet Back on Track

The greatest challenge in to staying healthy is sticking to a healthy diet. One will often have challenges about staying on course and dealing with the guilty of veering off. It is helpful to talk about it and share on the way to be more disciplined in stick to one’s own commitments. This is more so when one is dealing with life’s challenges like diabetes that need one to observe a strictly health diet.

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Things Your Diabetes Doctor Wants You to Do

If you are diabetic, daily maintenance consists of a seemingly endless care routine. There’s a lot to remember, and it’s easy to overlook things occasionally and slip up. If you’ve been out of your normal care routine, whether for days, weeks or longer, don’t panic before you see the doctor. Do what you can to get back into your regular routine of self care and health monitoring.

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Hand completing a multiple choice exam.

Succeed at Finals whilst Controlling Your Diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in young adults. people with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin daily to live to regulate their blood sugar. Since the pancreas can no longer produce insulin, Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, but it occurs most often in children and young adults. A person with diabetes must manage this chronic illness all the time, including during the school day.

These key tips can help high school or college students on how they can succeed at final exams whilst keeping their diabetes under control.

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Ideal Candy-Free Halloween Treats for Diabetes Sufferers

Kids love Trick or Treating, even those with food allergies and diabetes. That’s why the Teal Pumpkin Project, which promotes the giving of toys instead of candy at Halloween, encourages everyone to think of fun spooky ideas that aren’t candy this year. Here are 8 top suggestions for fun non-candy Halloween gifts that are sure to make every child smile, even those with diabetes!

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